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In late March 2021 the government introduced a non means tested £500 per family voucher for family mediation for separated families who need to make arrangements for children.

£1 Million was allocated to the scheme. I am pleased to hear that the Ministry of Justice (MoJ) has made a further £800,000 available for the scheme to help separated families.

Resolving arrangements outside court is usually quicker and cheaper than through the courts. Mediation often helps families retain control of their child arrangements in communicating better to make their own decisions affecting their children and themselves to the benefit of all concerned as well as helping relieving pressure on the courts.

The scheme is administered by the Family Mediation Council (FMC) on behalf of the MoJ. Applications for the voucher, which are very quickly processed by the FMC, are made by accredited mediators on behalf of the family after the parties have attended a MIAMS meeting ( Mediation Information and Assessment Meeting) with the accredited mediator. The cost of the MIAMS is not covered by the voucher but the first £500 of the subsequent mediation costs are funded by the voucher with any additional costs being met by the parties.

As long as there are child arrangements to be made the voucher will also cover the costs of discussing financial arrangements.

I am an FMC accredited mediator (URN 0818A) and have signed up to participate in the scheme. If you would like further information please contact me using the telephone number, contact form or email address on this website.

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